You have to admit that that's a new title.
Thanksgiving was amazing this year! This was my biggest holiday ever, seeing as how I was at Max's uncles for Thanksgiving. They live in a small but very wonderful house in one of the really nice parts of Rochester. I wish that I had remembered my camera because there were so many people that I would have loved to take pictures of, so many amazing scenes.... I regret not having my camera. But I must say that even though I don't have pictures, the day is still in crystal clarity in my mind. Most of the people there I had met before, but I did get to meet Max's uncle Mat's partners mother. Now Mat's partner Ken is Korean, so of coarse kens mother is VERY Korean! She was so cute and little I just wanted to give her a hug, I love that woman! Oh there where so many people there though, after all in that small house was packed 27 people and 6 dogs. To put this in a bit more perspective the dogs where, and this is in order of size;
1. Mats Jack Russel Terrier
2. Baley, Kens smallish dog idk the breed
3. Babe, aunt Mary's golden retriever puppy
4. Sluggo, aunt Mary's fat chocolate lab
5. Dee Dee, aunt Claudia's black Great Dane
6. Fred, Aunt Claudia's black and white spotted HUGE Great Dane
27 people and 6 dogs in every size imaginable, in a smallish house. I was a bit overwhelmed seeing as how my thanksgivings have always been just My mom, dad and years ago my brother and I, since my brother left all those years ago though It's just been me and my parents. So this was a big step up.
There was so much food too! 2 huge turkeys, a ham, two giant things of stuffing, Indian pudding, squash, and Kim Shi. Not to mention the amazing desert spread with about 6 pumpkin pies, 2 apple pies and a huge scrumptious yellow cake with white frosting and coconut all over the outside! I ate so much desert....... It was amazing. Oh and Max's cousins kids made jello..... with almonds in it. Safe to say that was still there when the night was done.
Aftre dinner every one talked and told stories, it was amazing. And then I played six person euchre with Max, his grandfather, aunt claudia, uncle luke and Max's little sister Hannah, and I was so happy when my team won!!! the whole night was amazing! I loved every minute of it!
Then came sunday........
I had spent twelve dollars over the weekend of the hundred dollars that my mother put in on wednesday. That's all that I had spent because the reats had to go for groceries this week and to pay for my part of the phone bill this month. Well, Max and I stopped at a greek diner for lunch on the trip back to my dorm. We ordered and I decided while we waited to call my banks automated service so I would know EXACTLY how much I had spent, like down to the penny. I'm neurotic that way. And of all the money that shoul have been there, all 88 bucks of it, I had about 9 dollars of it. I almost cryed in the diner. The only reason I didn't was because I didn't want to make a scene. Well Max calmed me down, and told me that he would pay for groceries this week and that if I couldn't get the missing money back in time he would pay for my phone bill and I won't have to worry about paying him back. He's such a sweetheart.
Meanwhile, this morning I called my bank to talk to someone. They found that some company had been taking money out of my account, and I have no idea how they got my account information. They took out 40 bucks on friday and theres another 40 thats pending, and thats why I only have 9 bucks available. Well, the companies phone numbers where atached to teh statement that they had, so they gave me the numbers and I called, and I bitched, a lot. By the end of the conversation they promised that all the money would be put back, and that it will all be fully deposited in my bank within 7-10 buisness days. I have kept there number and the confermation number they gave me so that if they decide not to pay or to mess with me any more I have a little bit more on my side. Also, I had my debit card suspended so no one else can get in to it, and as soon as the money is deposited, my mom is going to go to my bank all the way back home and shift my money to my savings account, close out my checking account, and send me my money via a money order.
I tell ya, crazy stuff every day, every day of my life.