Another Post

Yeah I got bored in the lounge because everyones either playin euchre or is just not talking to anyone so I figured I'd come back down to my dorm and pop a post out for all of you. Oh my god, I can't believe it either because I actually do have people reading my blog regularly. Way back when I said what I did "about posting more because of other people reading it) as a joke, I didn't actually think that people were reading this. I mean shit! And they think that my life is entertaining. Well, I could have told you that, after all it's about my life and as anyone that knows me would tell you, my life is anything but average. I both love that and hate that, cause every once in a while, I kind of crave normal. Maybe that's why I like Andrew so much. He's got to be the most normal part of my life these days, and he himself is not normal. Imagine that. Oh by the way, I posted the pic of him in his pj's cause I think he looks incredibly goofy in them. A cute goofy, but still, I laugh. I took the pic last night, a few hours before I went to a Chinese restaurant with him and Patrick. After that he dyed my hair again, wich is the below picture. And yeah, i know....I look paler. The color was supposed to be brighter. Plus before I only had one box, and so he ended up missing some spots in my hair, so my head was tie-dye for a good week. But yeah. Um we did go out for Chinese last night. I paid for his AND my meal, but thats cool because today in a few hands of blackjack with him (all of which I won) I secured it so that when he gets his car and drives me down so that he can meet heather and we can see each other again, he has to pay for gas..... both ways......and it's an hour drive......I love black jack. Your welcome heather. Oh, what I was going to say though, was that the Chinese place, although mediocre food, was an all you can eat buffet, so the boys ate a lot more than they should have, but hey, they are growing boys, and they got there monies worth. And we had a lot of fun, talking, gossiping, making future plans. Everthing was great, making it a night that I would anjoy remembering for a long time. And then, as always, something crops up to make a sweet memory a little sour. I had to take the check up, but was lingering at the table to finish the conversation. I just started to get up when Patrick says, "Isn't that Leo?" Now for those of you that have not followed my blog all the way through (which you should because some of my earlier ones are full of things that are totally unbelievable, but entirely true) then you would know that I DON'T want to be around him, let alone see him, hear his name, think about him, or have any kind of remembrance of him in my life. So as you can guess, my ass gravitated back to my seat post haste so that I could assess teh situation and find a quick way to deal with it in a non-knife-throwing and non-screaming-calling-him-a-pencil-dick-that-will-never-grow-up-dick-wad kind of way. thankfully, I had Andrew and Patrick with me, and although Leo was with a friend of his, he was also with his pregnant girlfriend (who made it very clear that she never wanted to lay eyes on me-ever), so unless he wanted her to start bitching at him about how he told her that he wanted to be with me, then he was going to keep his mouth shut, no matter what. All the he did was glare at me as he walked by, and I looked rite at him, unblinking, and smiling. So yeah, i think I handled the situation very well. Luckily he never goes to class so I've only seen him at the college twice this semester. But hey, on a brighter note, Andrew and I have been going out for a total of three and a half weeks, so that something to be excited about! I think he deserves a medal for lasting this long. I think he deserves a congratulations for not pissing me off or being a bastard or a dick so that I'd have to drop him. Funny thing is, I think I MIGHT be falling in love with the goofy bastard. I can't be certain, after all, I've never been in love, but I don't know. It's how he makes me feel, how I feel around him, and when he's gone, the fact that when he's gone I miss him terribly, the amount that I care for and about him. I've never trusted anyone as inexplicably as I trust Andrew, there just hasn't been anyone that I could trust this much this long into knowing them. Hell, I trusted him as soon as I met him this semester. Haha, a good story for when I get home is the story of how we FIRST met. It's one of those cute little stories that couples love to tell about how they met, except this is me, so it's got a very nice twist to it. Unfortunately it's a story that I LOVE to tell, and although my written is pretty much me talking in a written down form, I prefer to tell it, that way I can get the proper amount of...hmmmm guess you could say, emotion into the story. I should probably go though. I left Loverboy in the lounge playing cards and I know that by now the game must have broken up and he's bored again. So I'll talk to all of you later. And please comment, I know that I'm a comment whore and I'm proud of it. Plus it lets me know that I can post and you won't end up missing a chunk of my story because you didn't know that I posted again. After all I'm posting a lot more now. So bye, love you all.


I don't have to much to say, just wanted to kind of drop a line. Umm, Andrew and I are doing great, he's a bit, dare i say miffed at Ray rite now over something that he tried pulling, but everything's going to turn out fine. It's all rather minor thank fully, but I still am not liking the conflict. After all the drama that went on last semester, the last thing I want is for more drama rite now. I think that thats a bit understandable. My classes are doing pretty good. I'm struggling a bit in my Biological Psychology class but I'm slowly getting better at it. My art classes are a bit more challenging this semester to, so I don't feel as bored with them. I don't want to go sometimes but I'm not bored with them. In fact I just got a project done for my Design II class. I think that they turned out nicely. Let me know what you think of them please. I'm actually glad that they turned out as good as they did just because I hate painting so much. Not to much is really going on rite now. I'm pretty much just tryin' to survive rite now. But who isn't these days? I've actually been missing home a bit these past few days. Not my home, but all you people back home. Some days it just gets hard to deal with the people here and it seems like the only person I can deal with on a day to day basis is Andrew. Lucky him he's the only one I don't want to kill these days. Even Ray is getting on my nerves way to much. I'm hoping that this is just some kind of phase I'm going through rite now and that it will pass soon, cause I hate feeling this way. I'm sure though that maybe if I change my surroundings for a few days, or even a few hours I might feel a lot better. Luckily next weekend, my brother is going to come and get me so that I can spend some time with him and Amber and the kids. I'm looking forward to that actually, I mean I've barely been around Garry fir the past couple years, so yeah I'm excited. Also, Andrew is going to be buying a car in the beginning of march, and he's already promised to take me down one of the days so that I can see heather again. I'm really excited about that. It wasn't until the last time that I talked with Heather on the phone that I really realized how much I missed her. So pray that he can find a cheap reliable car quick. Well, i think that I'm gonna go though. I've got to do some dishes and then tomorrow I'm going to be cleaning my room and doing a bunch of laundry. SO I will chat with you all later. Have a good night.


Just a short blurb here, but it's official. Andrew now has the title of being my longest lasting boyfriend. I think that we should all give him a hand, cause we all know that I'm a bit of a handful and have a habit of being a bit hard on the guys I have. And most of the guys I get are assholes so I end up dumping them quick. So yeah, we are now, as of February 15, 2008 - a total of two weeks and a day of being together. Damn it's kinda sad that my longest relationship has only been two weeks, but still, I'd rather stick it out with a wonderful guy like Andrew than trudge through life with assholes like Leo. But, because we get along so well, and the fact that it feels so great in all directions, I do believe that this is going to last a lot longer than these two weeks. But, ending on that happy note, I do believe that I'm going to jet because a friend of mine is going to be coming tomorrow and I'd like to get my room clean. After all, Kami is gonna be sleeping in my bed, and poor Andrew is gonna be sleeping in the floor... and it's his choice so don't get all grrrrr with me. So yeah...Bye, I miss you all, and I'll see you all soon when I come home for my short week long spring break!!!

Valentines Day

It's valentines day, if you didn't already know. Now I've never been a big fan of this particular holiday. After all, it's a holiday that was manufactured by the candy companies and Hallmark to make more money. But, this is the first time that I've had a boyfriend on this day of hearts and cherubs. And I'm gonna tell ya, It's still not a big deal for me. The thing is, It's one of those holidays where you need money to celebrate it most times, and I'm not the type to try and get my boyfriend of a week and a half to go out and buy me a ring or something. I actually didn't expect him to get me anything. And seeing as how neither of us have any money, we both new that there wasn't any way that we were going to be spending any money on each other. It was a nice day for me however. After all, yet again, Andrew spent the night at my place (He's practically living with me rite now seeing that his schedule is set up so that he cant catch his bus home on Mondays and Wednesdays and needs a place to stay those nights at least). And at about eleven pm last night, we went up to the empty third floor commons room to veg on the giant comfy couches and so he could help me on my homework (biological psychology) cause half way through the giant web quizzes I normally get to the point where I just say "fuck it" and get a bad grade because I don't stick with it, so he helps me keep on focus and to not get bored and say "fuck it". So when we got my homework done, we put family guy on the plasma screen tv (score!!) and just kinda vegged out together. Then, however, he pulls out his phone. "Shit." I suddenly heard from him. I asked what was wrong and he said that it was 12:02 am. I, being blond, was like, well whats wrong you miss something? He says yes, leans in, says happy valentines day and kisses me. Honestly I think that that is much better then if he was to give me a bear or chocolate or something. It was just really sweet.

This should however cheer some of you up. Today is not really a day of hearts for me, I will always remember today in my biological psychology class because of the fact that I got to see human brains. Yep, my professor brought in four different brains, two whole, on in half, and one in slices to show us. And I'm telling you it was so surreal to see a real human brain like that. So I decided while she was lecturing my small group on it that I would take a video for you all to see, unfortunately, I can't put it on to blogger because the file is to large. To bad, because it's really cool. I do however have pictures of it for you.

Also as a little update: the whole fiasco with the alcohol at my dorm and all that jazz? I have now gotten it all worked out so it's no big deal. I had to go in to talk to the nurse at the college, and we talked about alcohol and how to notice if you have a problem and how to drink responsibly, which lasted about halve an hour, and I was finally done. So yeah, I'm all good with that as well. Do believe however that it is my time to retire, because I have yet another art class to go to tonight and I need to get all of my stuff ready. So by and have a happy valentines day.

A New Post

Okay, I need to post something for yall, so I figured some pics and a brief explanation of everything thats been goin' on with me as of a week and a half in would suffice. After all it's 1:41 am, so yeah thats what I'm gonna do.

First of all, yet again I have a new guy. Now for those of you that now me, I've had a shitty streak of guys. And at first, with most of them I kept saying things like, "oh he's a great guy" and "I think that this is going to last", and other statements that sounded false to even my ears. After all, you have never met these guys, but if you did, you would have known that I was pretty much just lying to make myself feel better about the situations and guys that I found myself with. thats not to say that they were all bad guys, because a couple of the recent guys had a few good points, I'm not going to say who but a few of you know who.

Thing is, I met a new guy this semester. I make it sound like I just met him but I met him once last semester as well, but that was the only time I saw him. Thing is, i met him again the day that I got my request in for a room assignment, and after a few hours of talking with him and Kat, he offered to come to my appointment with Kat to help me pack all of my stuff. So I got to know him a bit that night. The next day, when i got the key to my new room, I saw him again, and told him about just mentioned key. He then offered to help me move all of my stuff to the new room. After all of us (Joe, Kat, Josh and Ray also helped) ray and I ended up hanging out with him until about three am. The next day, Ray, Andrew and I Hung out together until about 1:00 am, and then when Ray got tired, Andrew and I went to my dorm and we watched a comedy special on my laptop. Because it was so late (he was staying in Kats room that night because he doesn't live at the dorms, he has an apartment elsewhere), I let him stay in my room. The best part is, although I could kind of tell that he was interested in me, he never tried anything. He slept on the bed with me, and he kept a respectful distance, never made any rude comments, and never tried to feel me up while I was sleeping or something. To me, this in a guy is like finding $1,000 in my can of spaghetti o's. The next night, yet again it was to late to have him try and knock on Kat's door, waking her up and all when she has 8:00 am classes, so when Ray got tired we went to my room again. This time however, neither of us were tired, so we ended up not going to sleep and just talking the entire night and morning about who we were and are and past things in our life. And by the time we had to get around for classes, he kissed me, and well, since then, we have been together, a lot, and my god, I never thought that I could be this comfortable or trusting with a guy. I never feel like he's lying to me about things, or that he's just after me to sleep with me, or that I don't mean anything to him. I'm not saying that this is going to last forever or that it's going to fall apart quickly or what, but what I am saying is that I'm happy. Like, for the first time in my dating history I am actually 100% happy with and about a guy that I am dating. I don't think that I have ever laughed this much with a guy, or that I have ever felt so safe with one of my past guys. After all, as some of you know thats an issue with me now a days due to the fact that I was afraid of one of my exes. But yeah, only time will tel on this one. I want you all to see what he looks like though, and maybe you can tell from the picture that he's not some weird creepy scumbag or anything. I don't know though, because a part of me wants you all to see the picture because it's kind of a case of, "Damn I can't believe that I've bagged a guy that looks this good!!!" as well. Sorry y'all, but you haven't seen his but either. haha, no in all seriousness though I actually feel a lot more at peace with him.

But anyways, heres some pictures of some of my friends and all down at "the lounge", or as we also call it, "The Couches"
The above picture is Andrew!!! I know that it's not the best picture of him, for god sakes he's not even smiling in this one, but you gotta give me props on the picture because he didn't even know that I was taking pictures, let alone of him. Haha, no I'm not creepy stalker, he was in the lounge and I was open about having my camera out, it's not my fault he wasn't paying attention.
The above is of both Andrew and Caleb. Some of you know the story about Caleb, but I am not going to get into that story online because thats a story for another day. And yes, Caleb dresses like that on a daily basis. And yes, Andrew looks good, but he looks even better in real life. Lol!
this is Ray and Caleb. And yes.....Ray is holding Caleb's hand up to his man boobs. It's hard to explain, so I'm just gonna tell you that he was having Caleb look for breast cancer, and you are going to believe.
This is Kat and Emma. Kat is on top and Emma is on the bottom. I realy like this picture though because of the angle and how they look in it.

And last but not least, is Josh. He is AMAZING at guitar, a sarcasm king, and probably one of the coolest people I have ever met.

But yeah, heres your post and leave me my wonderful awesome messages cause I love all of your feedback. By catch ya later.