It's valentines day, if you didn't already know. Now I've never been a big fan of this particular holiday. After all, it's a holiday that was manufactured by the candy companies and Hallmark to make more money. But, this is the first time that I've had a boyfriend on this day of hearts and cherubs. And I'm gonna tell ya, It's still not a big deal for me. The thing is, It's one of those holidays where you need money to celebrate it most times, and I'm not the type to try and get my boyfriend of a week and a half to go out and buy me a ring or something. I actually didn't expect him to get me anything. And seeing as how neither of us have any money, we both new that there wasn't any way that we were going to be spending any money on each other. It was a nice day for me however. After all, yet again, Andrew spent the night at my place (He's practically living with me rite now seeing that his schedule is set up so that he cant catch his bus home on Mondays and Wednesdays and needs a place to stay those nights at least). And at about eleven pm last night, we went up to the empty third floor commons room to veg on the giant comfy couches and so he could help me on my homework (biological psychology) cause half way through the giant web quizzes I normally get to the point where I just say "fuck it" and get a bad grade because I don't stick with it, so he helps me keep on focus and to not get bored and say "fuck it". So when we got my homework done, we put family guy on the plasma screen tv (score!!) and just kinda vegged out together. Then, however, he pulls out his phone. "Shit." I suddenly heard from him. I asked what was wrong and he said that it was 12:02 am. I, being blond, was like, well whats wrong you miss something? He says yes, leans in, says happy valentines day and kisses me. Honestly I think that that is much better then if he was to give me a bear or chocolate or something. It was just really sweet.
This should however cheer some of you up. Today is not really a day of hearts for me, I will always remember today in my biological psychology class because of the fact that I got to see human brains. Yep, my professor brought in four different brains, two whole, on in half, and one in slices to show us. And I'm telling you it was so surreal to see a real human brain like that. So I decided while she was lecturing my small group on it that I would take a video for you all to see, unfortunately, I can't put it on to blogger because the file is to large. To bad, because it's really cool. I do however have pictures of it for you. Also as a little update: the whole fiasco with the alcohol at my dorm and all that jazz? I have now gotten it all worked out so it's no big deal. I had to go in to talk to the nurse at the college, and we talked about alcohol and how to notice if you have a problem and how to drink responsibly, which lasted about halve an hour, and I was finally done. So yeah, I'm all good with that as well. Do believe however that it is my time to retire, because I have yet another art class to go to tonight and I need to get all of my stuff ready. So by and have a happy valentines day.
I hate valentines day...really can't figure out what's so special about it...I spent mine having a tooth pulled....yeah money was still spent...but uh...I still am not gonna like it..
I hate valentines day...really can't figure out what's so special about it...I spent mine having a tooth pulled....yeah money was still spent...but uh...I still am not gonna like it..
Picture of the new bf: CUTE
Pictures of the brains: GROSS
Can't believe you would put them in the same post.
Valentine's Day just makes me think of its initials. Not a great thing.
I spent Valentine's waiting in the dentist office. YAY FUN!
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