I don't have to much to say, just wanted to kind of drop a line. Umm, Andrew and I are doing great, he's a bit, dare i say miffed at Ray rite now over something that he tried pulling, but everything's going to turn out fine. It's all rather minor thank fully, but I still am not liking the conflict. After all the drama that went on last semester, the last thing I want is for more drama rite now. I think that thats a bit understandable. My classes are doing pretty good. I'm struggling a bit in my Biological Psychology class but I'm slowly getting better at it. My art classes are a bit more challenging this semester to, so I don't fe


as bored with them. I don't want to go sometimes but I'm not bored with them. In fact I just got a project done for my Design II class. I think that they turned out nicely. Let me know what you think of them please. I'm actually glad that they turned out as good as they did just because I hate painting so much. Not to much is really going on rite now. I'm pretty much just tryin' to survive rite now. But who isn't these days? I've actually been missing home a bit these past few days. Not my home, but all you people back home. Some days it just gets hard to deal with the people here and it seems like the only person I can deal with on a day to day basis is Andrew. Lucky him he's the only one I don't want to kill these days. Even Ray is getting on my nerves way to much. I'm hoping that this is just some kind of phase I'm going through rite now and that it will pass soon, cause I hate feeling this way. I'm sure though that maybe if I change my surroundings for a few days, or even a few hours I might feel a lot better. Luckily next weekend, my brother is going to come and get me so that I can spend some time with him and Amber and the kids. I'm looking forward to that actually, I mean I've barely been around Garry fir the past couple years, so yeah I'm excited. Also, Andrew is going to be buying a car in the beginning of march, and he's already promised to take me down one of the days so that I can see heather again. I'm really excited about that. It wasn't until the last time that I talked with Heather on the phone that I really realized how much I missed her. So pray that he can find a cheap reliable car quick. Well, i think that I'm gonna go though. I've got to do some dishes and then tomorrow I'm going to be cleaning my room and doing a bunch of laundry. SO I will chat with you all later. Have a good night.
Has anyone ever told you that your blog is entertaining?
Oh and that's some really cool stuff you did for your art class.
Well..I like the designs and good luck with everything that's going on...have fun visiting everyone
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