OK so all or most of you should know by now that Max proposed to me Friday night. And of coarse I said YES!!! He surprised me that night with that. And it makes a cool story, I mean how many people can say they got engaged on Halloween night? I love it. I love him! Oh I'm so happy about that! But everyone, don't worry, we do try to be smart about things, so we set the date for Fall 2010, that way we have enough time to make sure that everything works out and we can save up money and make sure that everything else works, so don't think we are rushing to fast in to things. I don't have a ring yet, so don't ask to see my ring. Max doesn't have the money rite now to get me one, and that doesn't bother me at all because I know he doesn't, after all he's been buying me food ALL semester, the sweetheart, and I can wait. He told me that he was going to get one for me this winter vacation because I'm coming home for the month and a half long break and so he's going to save his extra money each week to buy me a ring. I told him he's not aloud to spend to much on me though. I myself am fine with a 20$ ring, I really don't need much. As long as it's from him I'm happy.

Um, on another note, the suits have been just as crazy as ever. Last week my roommates decided to make a slip and slide in our hallway. I can't make that up. It was constructed entirely of garbage bags and duct tape, with laundry detergent to make it slippery. I'm surprised that no one broke an ankle. It was a lot of fun though to watch my roommates slide down the hall, always very close to having a concussion or strait out dying. I would have done it but didn't feel like a trip to the hospital again. I've been there to much this semester.
Oh and I'm crocheting a blanket! I have never made a full Afghan before and started making this one the day after Max proposed to me, so I know I am going to Finnish it because it has a lot of emotional attachment to it now. It's really cool looking so far, and I know that it's going to look amazing when I finish it.

A lot has happened recently. So much. I don't know what else to write about though because a lot of it has been very personal. But the overall important part is that I am happy. Very very happy!
why does your blog now look like the opening sequence for a racy sex scene? just wondering... :)
Cause I felt like a change in blog format and this looked like the best one n the website. I like the colors and the chic looks cool so I figured "why not?"
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