Ok I meant to tell you all what happened last week but things just seemed to pile up and it just didn't happen, so thats my bad. What happened was that, that morning, I ended up up until four in the morning with a friend of mine, Kat playing guitar. Now that's no big deal, but at about two in the morning we decided that we should play a song that night, at open mi night. Now we each know a repertoire of different songs on the guitar, so we had to decide what to play. We decided in the end to play, Suicide is Painless. For those of you that don't know, that is the theme song to the popular television show, M*A*S*H*. Now we each got it set up, because she already knew the song, she played the main part and we switched off so that I did the chorus. Then, at 2pm we got Kaleigh, this guy that we know, to do the vocals for the song. Now, when we were practicing for that hour, he sounded amazing, Kat was perfect, and i was making minimal mess ups. When we got on stage however, Kaleigh sounded like a karaoke singer and Kat was messing up horribly. I was messing up to but that goes unsaid because we all knew that I was. We did horribly. But the amazing thing is, I loved it so much!! We didn't get booed off stage, in fact when the first chorus came up, people were singing along, and we had them laughing most of it. If you can, like if it will fully load so you can see the full thing, you an go to my myspace,
www.myspace.com/iheartblackpeoplekolaid and you can watch it. I'm sorry for the shoddy camera work though, it wasn't me taking the video. I have another version of it from another camera and im gona try and put that up instead cause mine doesn't like to play half the time. I had fun though, and I think that as long as I actually practice before the next one, then I'm going to go up again.
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