Yeah so, the bass player, Erik, totally stood me up. I kind of should have expected this, cause it's him, and the past we had, but yeah, kinda stung a bit. He's pretty much been blowing me off for like three weeks now, we would set a date to hang out, then I'd never see him or if I did it was for like five minutes. So yeah, I'm kind of sick of this and he is so not worth it, I decided that the night he stood me up.
Well, on Thursday, I was talking to Tiff online, and mentioned that I was stuck at the dorms again this weekend, and she was like, "Dude, we're having a barbecue at our place Friday night, we will like come and get you and you can stay with us for the weekend." So I was like, Score! First barbecue of the summer! Hell yeah. So I get there, and Tiff and Peter have two of there friends from work over as well, and I'm introduced. The first of which is Greg, who is paralyzed from the waist down, and in a wheelchair. Now, to introduce us, tiff go's, "This is Greg, he's a cripple." I was laughing so hard because she just said it so matter of factly, I loved that, and he was laughing too. Like the whole night was filled with cripple jokes and he was making just as many as everyone else. This guy is like so awesome, I love him like honestly, he's an awesome guy.
The other guy that I was introduced to was Max. Max, which is short for maxwell (Like the coffee), is this really cool guy who is heavy into ska and art and martial arts and all this other awesome stuff, he's like awesome. And at one point in the night, Tiff Richard and I showed Peter, Greg and Max how to play lunch money. Well, I had made a small joke that I can't even remember now, and it had a slight sexual context o it, and he blushed a little. Well, he left the room for a minute to go to the bathroom and Tiff told me that when he likes a girl and they make any kind of sexual comment or even just touch him in the arm, he blushes, and that's why he blushed when I said that. So Zack and the others were like, "you have to do everything you can to make this kid blush tonight, see how much he can take!" And since he was cute, funny, and that I'm single, I took the challenge. So he returned to the room, sat Indian style next to me, and Zack was like, "start now, come on" so I leaned in to his side, put my arms around his neck, and kissed him on the neck. I have never seen anyone blush such a deep shade of red! It was so cute in that goofy sort of way! Now this was as far as I went because he was really red after that and I can only push this poor boy this far, cause I'm just not that mean. Well, the others didn't see it that way, and tiff kept trying to get me to cup his balls to make him tweak out and asking him if we were gonna have sex, and with every comment he got redder and redder, and I kid you not, he got so red and flustered that he had to leave the room and step outside for a few minutes to get his breath and his thoughts collected. I couldn't believe this sweet sweet guy could be real.
So later this night, Greg goes home, and Zack and Richard and Peter and Tiff go to bed, and him and I stay up in the living room, talking about what seemed like everything that had ever happened to us, and he told me things he's never told anyone, and I actually told him some things that I really need to trust someone to tell them about. We then went to things like, music tastes and pets and our pasts and the stupid shit we and our families have done over the years. We were up until 5 am, and then decided that we were so going to bed. Now there was only one bed left, the one in the living room, and we decided to just sleep next to each other because after all that we had to divulge we may as well. And I sit there and go to lean back and he's suddenly there, next to me and an arm under me and an arm over my waist. I of coarse don't mind this because I've been single for a while and to have a guy have his arms around me again is amazing! So I didn't argue, plus after the hours of talking heart to heart I really began to like this guy. Well, we lay there for about a minute and suddenly he puts his hand on my face and pulls me in for a kiss, and we kiss a couple of times and I break it off because I'm like, "It really sucks that I'm going home soon." He hadn't known that and I didn't feel rite getting his hopes up when I'm going to be like 2 hours away from him soon. And you know, he looked dead at me and said, "Honestly, your the first girl I've met that I am more then willing to drive two hours to see." And the thing is, when he said that, he was looking me dead in the eyes, and it's incredibly rare that I can find a guy that will say something like that, looking me in the eyes, and for me to actually beleive it, it's so rare.
Well, I don't know whats going to happen, and I'm not putting any guarantees on anything, because after everything that's happened to me, I just can't get fully invested in a guy this early in, I just can't so I'm taking this really slow. Although, if he does end up coming down to see me sometimes then all of you back home will get to meet him, and honestly, I think you'll like him. he's very easy to like, goofy and funny, and a generally nice and sweet guy.
Well, I'm dead fuck tired so I will talk to you all later and I totally love you all, an dmiss you and will so be home soon!
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