So heres the run down of today. Not a rundown of a couple days, no, the rundown of one day, ONLY ONE DAY!
Wanted to make that clear.
Wanted to make that clear.
So, picture it, it's 8 am, and I just get up, so my hairs messed up, the basic pattern being similar to that left from an explosion, and I stumble to the bathroom. I do the basic necessities needed at this hour.
After I get dressed, I head to the kitchen and start to pre-heat the oven. Theres a knock at the door, it's kat, early for once in her life. She sits at my counter and watches as I put the cold cinnamon rolls on the baking sheet. We chat for a while, joking about life and classes, being normal college students for once. Soon the timers ringing and the smell of cinnamon rolls waft out of the oven. Between the two of us we ate all eight, and then walk triumphant to my room to talk some more.
At 11:00 am we walk to the college to await my appointment. We get to the lounge and talk to the normal gang of weirdos and outcasts that we hang out with on a daily basis. It's May second, so theres a lot going on with a whole lot of activities going on. I stay in the lounge though awaiting My Denny's Guy.
My Denny's Guy, is Kyle, and I call him My Denny's Guy because he works at, well, Denny's and I almost always forget that his name is Kyle, don't ask me why, but I do. Now, My Denny's Guy is so cute! Like he looks good. A little thinner than I normally go for but he's still adorable. Now, I'm fresh out of a relationship and I found out early that so is he. He was dumped by his girlfriend of a year a month and a half ago, and am feeling the same way I do - lonely but not in a position or state of heart to start going out with anyone. So he's some one that I can lean on and talk about pretty much anything with. My god, in the Chinese resteraunt we started swapping embarrassing sex stories. This conversation lasted for a while.
Part of what I love about him is that he's from the city, like big city city, and yet he is an avid country music listener. He has the most amazing voice to, his voice sounds like Josh Turner, no shit! If you don't know what he sounds like, find Josh Turner on project playlist cause his voice is amazing. And My Denny's Guy sounds JUST like him. God I love hearing him sing! And the entire time we were in the car, which was a total of about 2 hours together, we had the country station on, and we sang every song that played and we knew. I loved it.
When my appointment came up we headed to the tattoo parlor. this place is AMAZING!! The inside looks cooler then what you see on tv by like three thousand times! the place is called Amazing Grace tattoo, and the entire experience was amazing!
The guy that was going to do my tattoo, Ryan had to defer my tattoo to John because his appointment was running way over what he had expacted and you can't rush a good tattoo. John however took amazing care of me. And he did my tattoo beautifully. It took about tow and a half hours and cost me $220, but it was so worth it.
Now the thing is that we were pressed for time because of the fact that My Denny's Guy had to be at work at five. So they new this and thats why Ryan deffered me to John, so that we could leave in time. Problem was, he thought that he could get it done in the alloted time, and couldn't. So my sweet sweet My Denny's Guy called in to work to tell them that he was going to be late. Now this was an hour into the tattoo, and this whole time, the process didn't hurt. It was fine. The minute it hit that hour and a half mark though, man did that start to grate on the nerves!
Of coarse, I didn't do the conventional thing. What your supposed to do is get the outlining and basic shading done, leave, let it heal fully, and then get the color done. If you do it all in one sitting, it's gonna hurt like a bitch! And guess what? Thats true. I learned this the hard way. So now the pain is really hitting me, and My Denny's Guy is sitting in front of me in a wheelie chair, just watching him tattoo me, texting, and generally being there for me, and the I start to feel the burn!
So, as those of you that know me personally, I use humor to get through things. So out of the hum of the tattoo gun, I go-
"So this kid is playing in his mom's closet, and if you didn't know, this is a joke"
That got My Denny's Guy laughing already, and all I needed was to get him laughing to start to make me feel better. So I told some jokes, and in between thinking of another joke to tell, he told me jokes. So needless to say, that last hour would have been so much worse if he hadn't have been there for me. I thank him a lot for that.
So I get the tattoo finished, and I pay the $220 to the man, and we leave. Now Amazing Grace is on a very busy main street in Geneva, so he had to find someplace to urn around, but safely. He turned into a street and turned around, except, something was off. He said, before we pulled into the main street again, "why are there no signs on this side of the street?" He had accidentally gone into a one way street and left it going the opposite way. Now that;s a basic mistake because there was no visible sign saying that it was a one way street. Problem was, a cop saw this and pulled us over very shortly afterward.
While talking to the cop, My Denny's Guy guy explained that this was his first time driving in Geneva, which it was, and that it was an accident. The cop was like, "yeah thats cool, it's ok, I'm just gonna give you a warning."
Then he noticed that his inspection sticker was five months expired.
then when he put his info into the computer, found that his license was expired in the county that we were in, and only that county.
So, poor My Denny's Guy was taken to the Geneva courthouse. The cop told me, as the guys were towing My Denny's Guy's car, that he had to do a few pieces of paper, and then with the bail money given to him, he would be let out in like ten minutes.
So My Denny's Guy gives me his debit card, and I walk the yard to the bank, and take out the $250 that the cop said was needed.
And on the way back to the car, I somehow
debit card!
I can't make this up. This is my life. So I get to his window after checking my pockets like 300 times, I was like, "ok, ummm, something else just happened, and, ummm, I love yoooou, just wanted to get that out there, um, keep that in mind, but, ummm, I somehow just lost your debit card." So I told him to call his bank like ASAP and tell them that it's lost so that no one can get money out of it. Luckily he wasn't upset about it.
So the cop takes him to the courthouse, leaving me on the street waiting for two of my friends, Tiff and Peter to come and get me. They get there, and we swing over to the courthouse, and the women tells me that, for some reason that I can't remember, cause it was retarded, he had o wait for the judge to get there to set his bail, then he could be let free. When asked how long that would take, she said that it would be between half and hour to tomorrow. Now Peter isn't to happy because they had something that they were going to and now they are late to it, so they want to leave now, and I don't really have a choice at the moment, I have to leave with them.
I sent spit fire text messages to him, while they aloud him to have his phone, which wasn't long, and was taken home. Upon returning, I took a quick trip to Wal-Mart for instant pasta and sliced cheese, a pre-made sub, and a small container of jello, because me blood sugar was way too low. By the time I got home, I was shaking from it. So I scarfed it all down and felt better rite quick.
However I was still worried about My Denny's Guy. After all I had to just leave him there. Even if I had stayed though they said that I couldn't stay with him at all, so either way I was stuck stranding him. I still felt horrible about it though. I got a text a few minutes ago saying that he only just got out. this is at 8:30 at night. They had waited two hours to call the damn judge. For those two+ hours, he was handcuffed to a hard wood bench! It's absolute bullshit if u ask me. But his mom was on her way to get him so he is ok now.
So yeah, my day has been....I think that intense is the best way to put it. Today was deffinetly not boring. And you know, for all the bad that happened, I can't complain to much, just because this is my life, and I'm kind of used to this on a daily basis. Now, My Denny's Guy doesn't have these kinds of days, so lets just hope that he deals with this in an ok manner. I'll be there for him in a heart beat though, so he's not gonna be alone. Not again.
After I get dressed, I head to the kitchen and start to pre-heat the oven. Theres a knock at the door, it's kat, early for once in her life. She sits at my counter and watches as I put the cold cinnamon rolls on the baking sheet. We chat for a while, joking about life and classes, being normal college students for once. Soon the timers ringing and the smell of cinnamon rolls waft out of the oven. Between the two of us we ate all eight, and then walk triumphant to my room to talk some more.
At 11:00 am we walk to the college to await my appointment. We get to the lounge and talk to the normal gang of weirdos and outcasts that we hang out with on a daily basis. It's May second, so theres a lot going on with a whole lot of activities going on. I stay in the lounge though awaiting My Denny's Guy.
My Denny's Guy, is Kyle, and I call him My Denny's Guy because he works at, well, Denny's and I almost always forget that his name is Kyle, don't ask me why, but I do. Now, My Denny's Guy is so cute! Like he looks good. A little thinner than I normally go for but he's still adorable. Now, I'm fresh out of a relationship and I found out early that so is he. He was dumped by his girlfriend of a year a month and a half ago, and am feeling the same way I do - lonely but not in a position or state of heart to start going out with anyone. So he's some one that I can lean on and talk about pretty much anything with. My god, in the Chinese resteraunt we started swapping embarrassing sex stories. This conversation lasted for a while.
Part of what I love about him is that he's from the city, like big city city, and yet he is an avid country music listener. He has the most amazing voice to, his voice sounds like Josh Turner, no shit! If you don't know what he sounds like, find Josh Turner on project playlist cause his voice is amazing. And My Denny's Guy sounds JUST like him. God I love hearing him sing! And the entire time we were in the car, which was a total of about 2 hours together, we had the country station on, and we sang every song that played and we knew. I loved it.
When my appointment came up we headed to the tattoo parlor. this place is AMAZING!! The inside looks cooler then what you see on tv by like three thousand times! the place is called Amazing Grace tattoo, and the entire experience was amazing!
(no exclamation marks were harmed in the making of this paragraph)
The guy that was going to do my tattoo, Ryan had to defer my tattoo to John because his appointment was running way over what he had expacted and you can't rush a good tattoo. John however took amazing care of me. And he did my tattoo beautifully. It took about tow and a half hours and cost me $220, but it was so worth it.
Now the thing is that we were pressed for time because of the fact that My Denny's Guy had to be at work at five. So they new this and thats why Ryan deffered me to John, so that we could leave in time. Problem was, he thought that he could get it done in the alloted time, and couldn't. So my sweet sweet My Denny's Guy called in to work to tell them that he was going to be late. Now this was an hour into the tattoo, and this whole time, the process didn't hurt. It was fine. The minute it hit that hour and a half mark though, man did that start to grate on the nerves!

So, as those of you that know me personally, I use humor to get through things. So out of the hum of the tattoo gun, I go-
"So this kid is playing in his mom's closet, and if you didn't know, this is a joke"
That got My Denny's Guy laughing already, and all I needed was to get him laughing to start to make me feel better. So I told some jokes, and in between thinking of another joke to tell, he told me jokes. So needless to say, that last hour would have been so much worse if he hadn't have been there for me. I thank him a lot for that.
So I get the tattoo finished, and I pay the $220 to the man, and we leave. Now Amazing Grace is on a very busy main street in Geneva, so he had to find someplace to urn around, but safely. He turned into a street and turned around, except, something was off. He said, before we pulled into the main street again, "why are there no signs on this side of the street?" He had accidentally gone into a one way street and left it going the opposite way. Now that;s a basic mistake because there was no visible sign saying that it was a one way street. Problem was, a cop saw this and pulled us over very shortly afterward.
While talking to the cop, My Denny's Guy guy explained that this was his first time driving in Geneva, which it was, and that it was an accident. The cop was like, "yeah thats cool, it's ok, I'm just gonna give you a warning."
Then he noticed that his inspection sticker was five months expired.
then when he put his info into the computer, found that his license was expired in the county that we were in, and only that county.
So, poor My Denny's Guy was taken to the Geneva courthouse. The cop told me, as the guys were towing My Denny's Guy's car, that he had to do a few pieces of paper, and then with the bail money given to him, he would be let out in like ten minutes.
So My Denny's Guy gives me his debit card, and I walk the yard to the bank, and take out the $250 that the cop said was needed.
And on the way back to the car, I somehow
debit card!
I can't make this up. This is my life. So I get to his window after checking my pockets like 300 times, I was like, "ok, ummm, something else just happened, and, ummm, I love yoooou, just wanted to get that out there, um, keep that in mind, but, ummm, I somehow just lost your debit card." So I told him to call his bank like ASAP and tell them that it's lost so that no one can get money out of it. Luckily he wasn't upset about it.
So the cop takes him to the courthouse, leaving me on the street waiting for two of my friends, Tiff and Peter to come and get me. They get there, and we swing over to the courthouse, and the women tells me that, for some reason that I can't remember, cause it was retarded, he had o wait for the judge to get there to set his bail, then he could be let free. When asked how long that would take, she said that it would be between half and hour to tomorrow. Now Peter isn't to happy because they had something that they were going to and now they are late to it, so they want to leave now, and I don't really have a choice at the moment, I have to leave with them.
I sent spit fire text messages to him, while they aloud him to have his phone, which wasn't long, and was taken home. Upon returning, I took a quick trip to Wal-Mart for instant pasta and sliced cheese, a pre-made sub, and a small container of jello, because me blood sugar was way too low. By the time I got home, I was shaking from it. So I scarfed it all down and felt better rite quick.
However I was still worried about My Denny's Guy. After all I had to just leave him there. Even if I had stayed though they said that I couldn't stay with him at all, so either way I was stuck stranding him. I still felt horrible about it though. I got a text a few minutes ago saying that he only just got out. this is at 8:30 at night. They had waited two hours to call the damn judge. For those two+ hours, he was handcuffed to a hard wood bench! It's absolute bullshit if u ask me. But his mom was on her way to get him so he is ok now.
So yeah, my day has been....I think that intense is the best way to put it. Today was deffinetly not boring. And you know, for all the bad that happened, I can't complain to much, just because this is my life, and I'm kind of used to this on a daily basis. Now, My Denny's Guy doesn't have these kinds of days, so lets just hope that he deals with this in an ok manner. I'll be there for him in a heart beat though, so he's not gonna be alone. Not again.
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