Because this kid is such a... kid, Alex duck taped the remote control to the ceiling so that Kami could watch her show with out him screaming to get the control. We told him that the remote is all his if he can reach it. Luckily, he has a short attention span and decided to play on his moms computer instead.
I'm still alone rite now. I miss Max, a lot. We talk on the phone every night, well, almost every night, but I still miss him being next to me. It feels so strange because I've barely been touched during the past two weeks. I mean, I've hugged Kami and Alex each day when I've left, but I haven't had any one to lean on or just have to touch and touch me whenever the mood arises. It feels strange not to be touched. Also ever since I came home I havent been sleeping as well as I should. Back when I was younger I never thought that sharing a twin bed with someone each night could condone a reastfull sleep, and with past guys, it hasn't. With Max however I sleep better when I'm sharing a bed with him. I love waking up in the morning with his arms around me.
I get to be with him again this weekend, so good days will be here again. Max will be here on Friday and we are going to go to see Hellboy 2 with Kami and Alex. It's gonna be a double date. I've only been on one double date before this. It was with Leo, that shit, and it was where we walked with two friends of ours to a pizza place and the four of us split a large pizza. It should have been a fun night, but the people we were with and the shity I was with made it a pretty shitty nights, as were most times I had a boyfriend at the college. But hey, I lived and I'm happy now and that's all that matters.
Thursday is Warp tour, so when I do get to see Max I'm going to be tired as shit. Warp tour is going to be insane! Like 50 bands playing all in one day, only 35 bucks to here all of them. It's going to be amazing! And I get to see Reel Big Fish! Holy Fuck Shit I love Reel Big Fish!! But other then that.....I do think that I'm going to have fun.
Then tomarrow I'm going to be going shopping most of the day with my mom. She has to get groceries and I need to pull my money out if the bank for Thursday. Also I need to spend like 5 bucks on a small bag to carry my shit in for Warp tour. I don't carry a purse so I need to buy one to put my t-shirts and memorabilia on.
On another note I'm teaching myself the Melbourne Shuffle. For those of you that don't know what the Melbourne Shuffle is, just You Tube it and I promise that you will be amazed. The dancing is awesome. I've only tried it like twice so far, but I downloaded some How To's and when I'm alone during the day at Max's house I'm going to practice in the kitchen. I feel like a bit of a dork figuring it out, so I'd rather wait untill I get a bit better at it to do it in front of people. I like dancing though, and this is something that when I get doing it I can do it almost anywhere and it's a good work out.

Well, I do beleive that this is a long enough post already. Hope you enjoy your week and I'll get back to yall soon.
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