I'm gonna try and go in chronological order fpr all this for you, but try to keep up.
1. I went to Warped Tour last thursday, and it was AMAZING!! I got to see Reliant K, Gym Class Heroes, Angels and Airwaves, Pennywise, Street Dogs, Reel Big Fish and Say Anything. It was so amazing fo r me, beiung my first concert and all. I got a Gym Class Heros shirt, a Reel Big Fish Shirt, a Warped Tour shirt and a Say Anything Hoodie. The hoodie has a monkey on it. I like it. Also I got to meet Reel Big Fish, and I mean the WHOLE band! It was so cool, cause i got to shake there hands and they signed a shirt that I bought and Jhonny Christmas said that I was beautiful when I met him! It was one of the best expieriences of this summer. Also I was in my first real mosh pit during Pennywise, Street Dogs, Reel Big Fish and Say Anything, all in a row, nonstop. When I was finnally able to get outr of the pit, I was so dehydrated that I was shaking and incredibly dizzy, if Kami hadn't have found me when she did I may have passed out, I was pretty bad, but she got me water and I think that I chugged like 2 liters of water brfore I was able to slow down and recuperate. It was an expierience to remember, and oine of the most intense things I've ever been in. I can't waitr for my next show.
2. I'm at Max's again. This last weekend was really nice to because Max came down for me and we spent the weekend at Kami's again. On Friday, when he came, Max, Kami, Alex and I all went in to Olean for the day, and that night went to see Hellboy 2, wich was way better than I expected. Also this weekend Max and I will be doubling with Peter and Tiffany out here in Canandaigua. It will be a regular dinner and movie, wich is amazing, I love doing thta kind of thing with Max, it means a good night with good friends and wonderfull entertainment.
3. I'm sick again. My tonsils have flaired up again and I'm going to be going to the hospital again in the next couple hours. Max is so worried about me that he is taking a half day at work so that he can take me at noonish instead of six pm tonight. I've been so lucky to have him this summer, he's been with me every step of the way. Theres only been one time thta he hasn't been with me when I went to the hospital and that was the first time, and only because I was home and h ewasn't with me. He has however been with me the past three times and today makes that four times. I have no idea though how many times I'm going to be in the hospital though, I'm still waiting to find out of the county is going to give me health insurence or not. I'ts frustrating as shit because I need to get my tonsils out or else I'm just going to get sicker and sicker each time. Also no insurence means that I have a tone of medical bills piling up that I just can't pay. I'm not sure what I'm going to do at the moment. Also, if this keeps up its going to be hard when I get back to the college to get a job because I'm going to be sick to much to hold a job down. I'm hoping though that help comes soon, after all, something has to pull through. Either the health insurence or the money from the auto accident that I was in, both are a possibility though neither a strong one. I'm pulling through though, and I have Max here when times start getting to tuff.
4. I just found out that a good friend of mine, Kat, died recently. Luckily it was only for two minutes, she had gotten incredibly angry, I wont go into details, and literally drank herself to death at a party. Thank god a friend found her and called an ambulance. They used the paddles on her but she was legally dead for two minutes. Scared the shit out of me when I found out. I can tell you this though, it puts some things in to perspective to have death come that close to your friends, I mean damn! She's okay though thank god, an dI'm hoping that she stops drinking or at least slows down a hell of a lot. After all, none of us are superman.
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