A lot has happened these past two months. Ive been sick every two weeks all summer. All four times has been because of my tonsils. I need them taken out but my health insurance company decided to drop me, so I can't get them taken out like I need to. It kind of sucks ass.
I've been skipping back and fourth between my house in way low NY, all the way up to Williamson NY all summer too. My Max lives up there and I spend a couple weeks here at home and then a couple weeks up there with him. I have a lot of fun up there to. He's the only one that I could spend three weeks with and not want to kill. That kind of guy is hard to find.
I think I'm gonna spazz though because a fly keeps landing on my arm and god damnit it's pissin me off!
Im selling my guitar tomorrow. Not my electric one but my acoustic one, good old Chaz Addams. I don't really mind though because I'm thinking about switching to base, it just fits me better. I'm too laid back to play guitar.
Max is coming back to me next weekend. We are gonna go and see Hellboy 2 with Kami and Alex as a double date. It should be pretty fun, they are really good together and we all get along so well. Hell they love Max, Kami and teh family have pretty much adapted him. I'm glad for that to because after my fourth semester Max and I are going to be moving in together somewhere in canandaigua. I like that he gets along with everyone and that they all like him because he's gonna be around for a long time so this makes life easier.
God I'm so tired and I have no idea why. I got more then enough sleep. I'm thinking that I just slept a bit off.
Oh and hey I wrote a very short story that I think everone here may enjoy. If you could just leave me a massage about what you think about it.
I had to pause long enough to clean the blood off of my glasses. I’d take them off, but then I couldn’t enjoy watching my customers face caving in. I need to find a new job.
As I watched the bitch’s head turn to a funky congealed mess, I fell in to a quiet Zen like state. In the tranquility of the moment, I began to reflect on the events that led to this moment. And in the sepia toned snapshots of my memories, I realized something; I’m fuckin nuts.
I should be on medication. The kind where ten percent of the people that use it get intense depression and kill themselves. I would probably be in that ten percent. Maybe if I had killed myself, I wouldn’t have killed all those people.
Evan as I realize this, I know that I’m not going to go to a doctor when this bitch is dead. I’m not going to sit on that couch and tell him that daddy didn’t hug me enough. I know this because deep down in my heart, I believe that all those fucktards deserved it.
Also because I have a date tonight with the hot chick from the book store. God I hope she’s not a zombie like the last girl. Lately it feels like all the hot chicks are reanimated corpses.
Well, except for the last woman. She was just a bitch.
You can always tell when they are dead already because they care to much about there appearance. If they do that then they are hiding there dead flesh from us so as not to assume they are the godless. I won’t say that I’ve been rite on every girl that I thought was a zombie, because my method does have it’s errors. But at least I’ve gotten a couple.
really disturbing. Are you ok?
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