I'm still at Max's if you didn't know. And I'm very sick again. Or at least I was. I wen't to the hospital on Thursday, Max took a half day off to take me, cause he's my sweetheart, so that was good. He took me to this one medical place, only they refused to treat me untill I prepaid 130$ becauise I have an outstanding bill with them for like 160$ due to a past escursion with my dreaded tonsils. So Max had to drive another hour to get me to the hospital in Canandaigua. This was my first time at this hospital and theyt were pretty much amazing. This hospital gave me an amazing dosage of medication . I am on Prednizone to keep the swelling down, wich I don't really think that I need, but am following anyways. Also they put me on Clyndamiacine. I may have misspelled that. Just say it pheonetically. But this medication is insane. I have to take 2 pills (300 mg) every 6 hours, wich means that I have to get up at 4am to take pills. It pisses me off. But I do it because I don't want to get sick again. Also the dr.s there took a full throat culture wich no other hospital has done before, so when they can actually figure out exactly what is wrong with my tonsils, I can add a name to the hell that I have been through all summer.
On a cheerier note, Max and I went to see Dark Night, the new Batman film last night. We doubled with two vwry good friends of ours, Tiff and Peter. They are actually the couple that Max and I met through, so we like to keep in contact with them. Also they are very nice people that we enjoy hanging out with that don't put us through a lot of shit about anything or make anything that makes us to frustrated. Thats hard to find in people because there are only a select few people that Iv'e known for a long time that don't piss me off or stab me in the back. And I do love those friends with all my heart. After all, friends like that are more family then friends to me. Oh yeah, back on topic, last night was a very fun night because we had dinner at there apartment and then went to the movie together. Tiff and Peter are cards to so there wasn't a boring minute the whole night. And the movie was amazing! It was incredibly dark and very violent, and both of those added to Batman makes for a ery amazing movie. And the Joker was creepy shit, but an amazing acting job by the guy who played him.
I do beleive that I am going to go though, the meds have got my stomach feeling queezy, yet again. But have a good day and I will get back to you all soon.
hey beth. I'm gonna take your advice on sitting down for a while. I know i've probably said that before, but I'm seriously questioning that. Joe is probably leaving soon. To work in Arcadia and North Java. Which is on the south side of the actually Darien Lake.
I just want to figure my life out before he leaves. should i stay here, or should I go? That's the question in my head now.
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