My Friends....

Now don't get me wrong, I love my friends. They rock and I'll always be there for them. But wow. Some days you just realize what dorks they are. And i mean that in the nicest way possible.
Of coarse my friends have always been of the odd kind. Theres the neo natzi midget Heather. The tall OCD man Larry. My "dances like shes having a seizure" Fiona. Anime junky Alex. Video game cat loving Tyler. My lil' emo Kami. My computer genius with a mullet Lucas. Not to mention countless other people that I could mention that makes up the grab bag that is my friends.
But college my college seems to attract all of the people that are twice as strange as my friends back home. Here there are so many strange people that I love. The best of the bunch are Shane, Ray and Andre. These guys are awesome, I swear.
Shane is just plane insane and loves to tease me and call me a whore just because he knows I'm not. And so you know, if he even thinks that he's hurt my feelings with a comment, he gives me a hug to make me feel better. Problem is though, all of his comments are so freaking funny that I can't get mad at him. It's hard to be mad at someone when your laughing. And you never know what he's going to say either. One minute hes normal, and the next he's going "I am the night!" and running down the hall. I know that it sounds weird, but it's actually kind of cute. Or when we go to Wal-mart and we play frisbee with steering wheel covers.
Then Ray is really awesome. he's loud, says some of the weirdest shit I've ever heard, and has a problem with people that walk up to him smiling and keep smiling for no reason. It's kind of hard to explain. He really does say the strangest things though. Like how he wants his husband to be Jack Skellington (from A Nightmare Before Christmas), and no he's not gay. Oh and the fact that he would love to go back in time to just lay on Edger Allen Poe's bed and watch him write. Nothing sexual, just him, laying in his bed, watching him write. He's a music major though and through my experience, that means he's pretty much the most normal person in the whole department.
Then theres Andre. I can never remember his real name, so I just call him Andre after Andre the Giant. If you saw him, you'd think the same thing. The guy is like 6'4", and stocky and a bit scary to get in a fight with. The funny thing is though, he hates to fight. He's such a pacifist. And guess what his major is? Accounting. The guy can barely fit in an office desk! It's so strange to see a guy that looks like that want to be such a pacifist and an accountant. I mean wow. He's really cool though to be around, and he gets most of my sly on the side jokes that the others don't always catch, so he's automatically in my cool list.
And there are so many other people too. But these are a couple of my main guys. And just to show you what a strange bunch I hang out with, I'll post a video for you of them. And since it should be the dorkiest video I have of them so far, it will have to be "Zombie Shane" just because it makes me laugh when I remember that night. And sorry it's such dark footage, i didn't really have time to go and turn on a light. So have fun watching my awesome dork friend and always remember to fly your freak flag.


Oh my god I love college! Theres music majors galore, which means that everywhere I go, someone is playing some kind of instrument. Which I totally love.
Yesterday, there was a farmers market that was held in the front yard of the college. And there was a tent set up where these guys and this girl that I had met before were playing music. And it was such a weird ensemble too. There was a guitarist, a sitar player, a guy with a drum and the girl with a smaller drum. Well, the guy drumming was doing a kind of complicated beat, and I was trying to figure it out myself. Well, as soon as I got it down, the girl looked over and saw me tapping out the beat. As soon as the song was over she literally dragged me up with them, gave me her drum and continued to beat on the other side of the guys larger drum.
And guess what? I wasn't as bad as I thought I would be. And it was so much fun. I loved it. When it was all done and I was walking home I kept tapping out different beats just because I couldn't stop. I want to play again.
And then last night was amazing. Theres this bar about an hours walk away called FUUL (pronounced fuel) whose main attraction is live bands. And I'm not talking country bands like back home, I'm talking rock bands man. There was this one band that was played thats absolutely amazing called The Spaces. the intensity of the main guitarist/vocalist was so intense. He's the kind of person that makes you want to get up and dance. And my god was he good with his guitar. I've never seen first hand someone that was that good at playing guitar.
And there was this one guy that was so hilariouse. The first three songs that they played, the guy stood in the middle of the dance floor and pretty much just...well....vibrated. I didn't think much of it, then all of a sudden, during one of the really heavy rock songs, he just starts to dance. But when I say dance, I mean he moved like he was having a seizure and going into cardiac arrest. It was just amazing. The guy was insane and theres no real way to explain the way this guy danced.
So I'll chat with you all again soon. Love - Mack

Me and Shane. I needed a picture of me for English and so Shane was willing to help make it a good one. And I think that this is the best picture of myself... should have used this as my senior photo. Now that would have rocked.

Everything Else

Yeah, so....I don't know. Life is going pretty good. I'm in college. Ive got a low coarse load, so I'm not working my tail off. I have food and a new card for my phone so I can stay in contact with the human race. And not so human race. You don't know some of the people that i hang out with. But I can't knock 'em, cause they all rock.
In fact, a quick story for everyone back home- A friend of mine here, Shane, decided to drop kick a black guy. Now before you think something awful, he asked permission. And it was granted, cause Ray is cool about that sort of thing.
Well, Shane drop kicked him, and in doing so, he fell on his side...On his phone. And I'm telling you that that screen looked cool. So because of this action he can no longer read the screen on his phone. Hence all he can do is answer calls, and make calls. Well, as long as he knows the number. The thing is though, he cant read any text messages. So I've been picking on him about it. And today I sent him about eight texts just to bug him.
I pick on him but he's great. I have a lot of fun with him. Especially when it come to Tai Chi. I have no idea how so many people can not laugh during that class. Our teacher is...well...mildly insane, and yet we are the only two that are laughing. Or trying not to laugh I should say.The only thing that class is teaching me is how to keep a strait face. Thats a good thing to learn though, even if I did have to go in debt with the government to be able to learn this important skill.
But everyone I know here is really great. I'm glad to be out of the house and on my own. Or as on my own as I am rite now. And I'm glad that I'm free.
Although I am looking for a guy rite now. It's not like I want my boyfriend to define my life. It's just that I like the comfort of having a steady guy. I know that Erik was my first actual boyfriend. But I got so used to Larry back in school. It was an odd relationship but I liked having the comfort of a guy being there, steady and willing to be there for me. I just don't have anyone like that here. And I really miss it.

my first kiss, first boyfriend and first breakup in one week- 'cause yeah I'm just that good (the radio edit)

Okay, so what happened was a bit great and a bit crap. You see, I met this guy, and I wont use his real name, so lets call him Erik. I wont give his last name because I think we all know an Erik, so why make this one specific enough that you, the reader, can not make any kind of connection to what I'm talking about.
Well, Erik was the first guy that I met that I actually wanted to go out with. He was cute, charming, funny and sweet. We had just about everything in common. We were both instantly attracted to each other on first meeting as well. And he was everything you could ever want in a man.
Well, we went out for a week. And during this week, we had a lot of fun. We watched movies together, cuddled, and not to mention he was my first kiss. So that made him special rite there. And, yes, our relationship was a little rushed and fast moving. We met Thursday afternoon and we were a couple by Thursday night. It was just that fast.
Now the thing of it is, he was initiating everything. And I mean everything in the relationship, 'cause I was a novice and didn't really know what to do, ya know? So he was starting everything. Well, and your not gonna believe this, he told me on Wednesday, this last Wednesday, that he wanted to bring the relationship back a few steps because he wasn't so used to things going as fast as they did. Now at first, being the dolt that I am, I thought that he actually meant that he wanted to take things back a bit.
At this point every girl I know is thinking the same thing: "Is Erik gay?"
And ladies, I will tell you rite now - he may be. After all, I only new him for a week, who am I to deny the accusation.
Now if this isn't bad enough, he doesn't tell me how far back he wants to go. So I'm left in the dark waiting fir him to decide. which I hated. So the next day, I meet up with him at the college to talk. Unfortunately, everyone else is there to, so its a bit hard to get to talk to him about it. Well, when we finally have a half a minute alone he tells me that he wants us to just be friends.
Now I may have been naive enough to think that when he said he wanted to take it back a few steps that he actually meant it. But those dreaded words, "why don't we just be friends?" hit home. I new at that moment that he had just dumped me.
Okay, so I was just dumped. I can deal with that. After all, it was only a week. But it was what happened next that Irked me. All of a sudden, this short, chunky, blond chick that he has to bend over at a ninety de-fuckin-gree angle to hug runs up and hugs him. Now thats no big deal, I know a lot of girls that do that to guys that they know and have no kind of actual relationship with. No big deal. But then, with me rite there, she starts to flirt with him and touch him. Now thats one thing, but then he starts flirting back. And he's giving her the same look that he used to give me! And he KNOWS I'm rite there. I was a good two inches from him.
I have one word for you, SLUT. Oh and whore and asshole. So, yeah, three words. slut, whore and asshole. In that order. And I mean Erik, not the girl.
So know I'm desperately on the hunt for a baseball bat. Thats rite - I'm going after his car. I'd take a knife with me and cut the gas line but that sounds a bit drastic. I just want to smash his car, not kill him. Oh, did I say "smash"? I meant demolish. I want it too look like the aftermath of one of those suicide bombers in Iraq.
Theres only one problem with this. And its not the need of a baseball bat cause i have friends who are willing to get me one. In fact I think that they want me do demolish his car more than I do. And Its not the getting in trouble part, 'cause it would be worth it. After all, it is the cheapest form of therapy. But no, the problem is that I cant tell his piece of crap car from all the other piece of crap cars. Its an indescribably plain black car. I've ridden in it like three times. And even after I just got out of it, I could have turned directly around and still not recognized it.
So yeah, I can't find his car to beat the shit out of it. And don't think that I am a very destructive person. In fact I would not normally do that kind of thing. The only reason I have even been pondering the thought is because he was such an asshole about it.
But listen to me, I'm getting all hostile again. And apparently hostile for me means a few broken tail lights. So I think that I had better cool off a bit.
And for every guy out there, please, don't be an Erik. Assholes, no matter how sweet, are still assholes. In fact, they are the ones that are never gonna get laid cause damn he's such an asshole. And a slut. And a whore. Not in that exact order.