
Oh my god I love college! Theres music majors galore, which means that everywhere I go, someone is playing some kind of instrument. Which I totally love.
Yesterday, there was a farmers market that was held in the front yard of the college. And there was a tent set up where these guys and this girl that I had met before were playing music. And it was such a weird ensemble too. There was a guitarist, a sitar player, a guy with a drum and the girl with a smaller drum. Well, the guy drumming was doing a kind of complicated beat, and I was trying to figure it out myself. Well, as soon as I got it down, the girl looked over and saw me tapping out the beat. As soon as the song was over she literally dragged me up with them, gave me her drum and continued to beat on the other side of the guys larger drum.
And guess what? I wasn't as bad as I thought I would be. And it was so much fun. I loved it. When it was all done and I was walking home I kept tapping out different beats just because I couldn't stop. I want to play again.
And then last night was amazing. Theres this bar about an hours walk away called FUUL (pronounced fuel) whose main attraction is live bands. And I'm not talking country bands like back home, I'm talking rock bands man. There was this one band that was played thats absolutely amazing called The Spaces. the intensity of the main guitarist/vocalist was so intense. He's the kind of person that makes you want to get up and dance. And my god was he good with his guitar. I've never seen first hand someone that was that good at playing guitar.
And there was this one guy that was so hilariouse. The first three songs that they played, the guy stood in the middle of the dance floor and pretty much just...well....vibrated. I didn't think much of it, then all of a sudden, during one of the really heavy rock songs, he just starts to dance. But when I say dance, I mean he moved like he was having a seizure and going into cardiac arrest. It was just amazing. The guy was insane and theres no real way to explain the way this guy danced.
So I'll chat with you all again soon. Love - Mack


wubba said...

I'm glad to hear that you're loving college...Mr. P asks about you every week...

Anonymous said...

Your use of the word "man" is both elegant and rewarding. Thank you very much for having me on your blogroll! I will reciprocate post haste.

I used to run a retail music department in a large bookstore which, for legal reasons, we shall refer to as Narbes & Mobil. I love music almost as much as I love words.

I love your blog. You are Death By Children certified cool.

Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

It's so great that you can appreciate it while you are there.

I miss almost everything about college.

Well, not the papers or being forced to go to snare drum forums, but everything else.