Wow, thats all that I have to say, just, WOW

I want to thank the randomly awesome person that left me a comment mentioning that they are adding my blog to their blogroll. I am honestly surprised at this because I never thought that someone randomly clicking through sites would find mine interesting enough to want to continue reading about my life and all the shit thats happened to me (and the inevitable shit thats gonna happen to me eventually, whether i like it or not). But hey, because i know that other people may be reading this, other than just close friends and family (and by family, you know who you are), i might try to remember to post more often, because its one thing to be yelled at by family that i haven't posted often enough, but by random strangers, well, thats something i don't need rite now. But hey, whatever gets me motivated, ya know. So all of my close friends and family should be happy to know that because i have even more responsibility to type in this, that i shall try to do just that, and type like, whats that? Why i think its, THE WIND. Sorry, had too. I'm a dork like that.
Oh and I'm working on making a new blog. I'm hoping that it's gonna look really good. I'm going to be posting my artwork on it, and hopefully i can get some good constructive criticism on it. After all, I'm only going to be posting 100% original artwork, so I'm going to need it.
thank you again random blogger, and please comment on my life as much as possible, cause after all, i do my best work when im on a deadline, so who knows, i might do better at life with an audience. Well, lets hope so.
Blog ya later, -Beth


Anime said...

some random person added you to their blogroll so you're gonna post more....what ever works I to ya later..I'll be sure to check the new blog out