Okay, I need to post something for yall, so I figured some pics and a brief explanation of everything thats been goin' on with me as of a week and a half in would suffice. After all it's 1:41 am, so yeah thats what I'm gonna do.
First of all, yet again I have a new guy. Now for those of you that now me, I've had a shitty streak of guys. And at first, with most of them I kept saying things like, "oh he's a great guy" and "I think that this is going to last", and other statements that sounded false to even my ears. After all, you have never met these guys, but if you did, you would have known that I was pretty much just lying to make myself feel better about the situations and guys that I found myself with. thats not to say that they were all bad guys, because a couple of the recent guys had a few good points, I'm not going to say who but a few of you know who.
Thing is, I met a new guy this semester. I make it sound like I just met him but I met him once last semester as well, but that was the only time I saw him. Thing is, i met him again the day that I got my request in for a room assignment, and after a few hours of talking with him and Kat, he offered to come to my appointment with Kat to help me pack all of my stuff. So I got to know him a bit that night. The next day, when i got the key to my new room, I saw him again, and told him about just mentioned key. He then offered to help me move all of my stuff to the new room. After all of us (Joe, Kat, Josh and Ray also helped) ray and I ended up hanging out with him until about three am. The next day, Ray, Andrew and I Hung out together until about 1:00 am, and then when Ray got tired, Andrew and I went to my dorm and we watched a comedy special on my laptop. Because it was so late (he was staying in Kats room that night because he doesn't live at the dorms, he has an apartment elsewhere), I let him stay in my room. The best part is, although I could kind of tell that he was interested in me, he never tried anything. He slept on the bed with me, and he kept a respectful distance, never made any rude comments, and never tried to feel me up while I was sleeping or something. To me, this in a guy is like finding $1,000 in my can of spaghetti o's. The next night, yet again it was to late to have him try and knock on Kat's door, waking her up and all when she has 8:00 am classes, so when Ray got tired we went to my room again. This time however, neither of us were tired, so we ended up not going to sleep and just talking the entire night and morning about who we were and are and past things in our life. And by the time we had to get around for classes, he kissed me, and well, since then, we have been together, a lot, and my god, I never thought that I could be this comfortable or trusting with a guy. I never feel like he's lying to me about things, or that he's just after me to sleep with me, or that I don't mean anything to him. I'm not saying that this is going to last forever or that it's going to fall apart quickly or what, but what I am saying is that I'm happy. Like, for the first time in my dating history I am actually 100% happy with and about a guy that I am dating. I don't think that I have ever laughed this much with a guy, or that I have ever felt so safe with one of my past guys. After all, as some of you know thats an issue with me now a days due to the fact that I was afraid of one of my exes. But yeah, only time will tel on this one. I want you all to see what he looks like though, and maybe you can tell from the picture that he's not some weird creepy scumbag or anything. I don't know though, because a part of me wants you all to see the picture because it's kind of a case of, "Damn I can't believe that I've bagged a guy that looks this good!!!" as well. Sorry y'all, but you haven't seen his but either. haha, no in all seriousness though I actually feel a lot more at peace with him.
But anyways, heres some pictures of some of my friends and all down at "the lounge", or as we also call it, "The Couches"

The above picture is Andrew!!! I know that it's not the best picture of him, for god sakes he's not even smiling in this one, but you gotta give me props on the picture because he didn't even know that I was taking pictures, let alone of him. Haha, no I'm not creepy stalker, he was in the lounge and I was open about having my camera out, it's not my fault he wasn't paying attention.

The above is of both Andrew and Caleb. Some of you know the story about Caleb, but I am not going to get into that story online because thats a story for another day. And yes, Caleb dresses like that on a daily basis. And yes, Andrew looks good, but he looks even better in real life. Lol!

this is Ray and Caleb. And yes.....Ray is holding Caleb's hand up to his man boobs. It's hard to explain, so I'm just gonna tell you that he was having Caleb look for breast cancer, and you are going to believe.

This is Kat and Emma. Kat is on top and Emma is on the bottom. I realy like this picture though because of the angle and how they look in it.

And last but not least, is Josh. He is AMAZING at guitar, a sarcasm king, and probably one of the coolest people I have ever met.
But yeah, heres your post and leave me my wonderful awesome messages cause I love all of your feedback. By catch ya later.