Two Guys, a Text and One Very Pissed Off Chick

OK, so everyone knows that I was going out with Leo. This is a was because he was treating me like crap in more than one way. And the thing about me is, I refuse to be stuck in a relationship that I'm unhappy in. I refuse to be like one of those women on the lifetime channel who just deals with the crap boyfriend by saying, "but he love me" over and aver like a mantra from hell. Thats, just not me, I'm too strong for that. I took gravel to the face and won, I mean come on. Thats why only a few close friends here at the college knew about the way that he was treating me. I didn't want to worry anyone back home about ALL the details. Especially a certain friend of mine who would be overly worried and upset about the kind of guy that I had ended up with. What can I say though, I have had a knack for attracting the wrong sort of guys. Now normally I wouldn't let everyone know how he was treating me over a blog like this but the only way that I can tell you the rest of the story is to include this. The thing about Leo was that he was pushing me into sex each time. He would push and harass me until I just gave in and said fine. I never really wanted to and I have no idea why I actually was weak enough to give in each time. He had this way of knowing just what buttons to push (and I don't mean sexually). Also he started treating me like a fuck buddy, and he had a knack for saying things that could be pretty hurtful at times. So yeah he was not worth it.
The thing of it is, I wanted to break up with him before thanksgiving break because I was going home and I wanted it done and over with. The thing is he suddenly left for NYC for thanksgiving and didn't even tell me. I had to find out through a friend. So that plan was dashed. Then I thought that I could tell him when I got back to college. But he wasn't there. And a few days later I found out through another friend (because as you can guess the bastard hasn't sent word to me in the past two weeks about anything, let alone where he is) that he was going to be gone for another week. Now I've been sitting on the way that he treated me for the past two weeks and it seems like the more I though about it, the more I hated him for the way that he's been treating me.
Well, this is where the plot kind of thickens. Theres this guy that I know here named Caleb. We've met and chatted and all a few times and he's this really nice guy. He's very "blue collar", very respectful towards women, nice, funny and an all around nice guy. Well, I was mad the other day about Leo, and was sitting in the lounge and Ray left and it was just me, Caleb and a couple other random people that I know. I was sitting on the couch next to his couch. Well, he looked over at me and was like "come hither" and patted the seat next to him. I laughed because I thought he was joking, but then he said it again and so I did. I mean I trust the guy a lot more then I trust a few of my exes. Well, we chat for a few minutes and he ends up looking over at me and asks, "do you want to go somewhere and,you know, get to know each other a bit more?" Now I got it rite away by the way he said it but he also made it sound like a joke at the same time. And so I just laughed. And then he looked at me and said something like, "you think I'm joking" and I just looked at him. And then everything rushed into my head, all the crap ways that Leo treated me. But especially the times that he pushed me into sex and how I didn't want to, I just gave in each time after he pushed for so long. And I though about how in this situation I had a choice. He wasn't saying, come on we're gonna have sex now, he was asking me. I had the rite to say yes or no. No, i had the power to say yes or no. The situation was in my hands. So I said yes. And I cheated on Leo. And I want everyone to know that I know that what I did was not exactly high up on the ethical charts. I know this and I knew this when I made the decision. I am not the kind of girl that normally does this kind of thing. I just felt that it was something that I had to do. Fir me it wasn't about what we did, it was about the fact that I had the power to stop it, i had the power to keep it going, and I had to prove to myself that things could be and from now on would be done on my terms, and if I wasn't comfortable with the terms, then I was going to stop it and hold fast to my decisions.
The thing is I was still very mad at Leo. For all I knew he could be dead in NYC and he hadn't even tried to contact me in any way shape or form for two weeks. And that anger kind of crescendoed yesterday when I was in Rochester with Ray and Andre. I told them about the way that Leo was treating me a few days into vacation. And they were pissed off at the way that he was treating me too ( of coarse they were also a bit mad at me for not telling them sooner cause Ray said that he wanted to kill him for that). Well, we were talking about it in the mall and I was just so sick of talking about breaking up with him that I just wanted to get it done and over with. Well, Ray said, "why don't you just do it over text?" His reasoning was that after the way he treated me, Leo could use a dose of his own medicine. And why should I try and do the rite thing by him in that aspect when Leo couldn't respect me at all? And you know what? Being mad, fed up with him, and in a general bad mood about the subject, I decided to do it. The following words are the exact text that I sent him and I'm sorry for the explicit language and sheer lack of subtlety - "Hate 2 do this over the phone but u treated me like crap u havnt even tried 2 call me since youve been gone im sick of it oh and im fucking Caleb (click)" . That is the exact message I sent him, including the click. I realize now that I have a bad tendency of shooting my mouth off when I'm really angry and that that probably wasn't the best way to send that text. My bad, but my reasoning was that he's prolly going to be in NYC for a few days where he can cool off about the whole thing before he gets gets back. Well, we ended up texting back and forth over the next hour and a half to two hours, upon which he apologized for the not calling but completely overlooked the pushing me into sex part and how he treated me the rest of the way. So that got me thinking asshole rite there. He then says that because I cheated that means that he did nothing wrong. Yes because we all know that partial rape is negated when you cheat. You have to love a guys reasoning.
Well we had been texting and on the way back to canandagua and he said a lot of stupid crap, but then when I said that i wanted him to get his crap put of my dorm as soon as gets back home he suddenly says "I'm coming over now" Well that confuses me because last I heard he was in NYC, 8 hours away. Come to find out, he's been in Canandagua for the past three days and never thought to tell me. Come to find out he smashed a bottle over some guys head at a bar and is now in legal trouble and is going to be put on probation. Wow, great guy huh? I sure know how to pick 'em don't I? Well, I'm in a car and not home so I tell him that I'll text him when I get home. I arrive home and not a minute after we arrive Ray gets a text on his phone from Caleb that says that Leos at the lounge threatening to kill him. Ray and I then rushed over so that I could give him his small amount of stuff tere, so Ray could either stop or get into the fight that the two could get into, and to make sure that if there is a scene we can see it. And Caleb being the great guy that he is says it's incredibly funny. Thats because it really is, Caleb has a good 6 inches on Leo and is visibly in enough shape to throw some good punches and hold his own in a fight with little effort. I found out after that Leo asked everyone at the lounge if they knew who Caleb was, and Caleb raised his hand, not knowing the full story. Leo looked at him and pretty much deflated. Then he pulled out a cigarette, asked if he smoked, and when Caleb stood up to go and smoke with him, Leo went "wow your tall" and deflated a bit more. Caleb found the entire scene worth it and was laughing about it for quite a while, I was too when I heard the whole thing.
Now because we got there and there was no fight, ray was a little disappointed and he ended up walking with Leo to his place because Leo wanted someone to talk to and Ray was willing to set his anger for him aside to find out what the situation was going to look like, like if it looked like he was going to get violent towards me or if I would have to be careful when I was alone and all. And when he got back and we could talk he said that Leo was actually kind of cool about the whole thing, he was mad at me, but he was more mad at Caleb. Then, last night I get a text from him that just says - die in hell. i was tempted to text back - how about i die and then go to hell, it makes more sense that way, but Ray said this would start a whole new can of worms and so I refrained from that. But at least he is taking it all well.
The thing was to that I actually felt bad about cheating on him like that. I do have a heart and I'm not just some slut off the street. I knew that what I did wasn't exactly very correct or moral. And then I herd the voice mail that he left me. Yet again he made it out like how he treated me was perfectly fine and normal and just focused in the not calling thing, he called me a bitch, and reiterated the whole, he did nothing wrong because I'm the one that cheated thing, among a few other things that he said. And I can tell you all that after that voice mail I felt no shame in what I had done. The parts of me that felt like I should say sorry to him for cheating was obliterated. And I felt no remorse. In my opinion he got what he deserved for how he treated me. And I can tell you all that when it comes to guys I am doing a sort of screening process first and that at the first hint of someone acting like Leo did towards me i am going to drop his ass so fast he wont know what hit him.I have learned from all of this and will not take the hints lightly next time and am starting to see why some women go lesbian, cause damn, guys can give you a migraine and a half.
I want to say rite now that I'm sorry to anyone that gets upset by all of this because I was less than honest with a few people about the whole relationship. Especially Heather, I'm sorry, I just didn't want to admit that it was something that I could not be as strong as I should have been with. i was a little ashamed about the fact that I didn't end it sooner even though he was treating me like that. I'm really sorry you had to here all of this like that. And I'm telling you now that during Christmas break, were gonna get together somewhere secluded and alone, and you can seriously scream and yell and get everything off your chest about me and I wont get mad about anything that you say because I probably deserve every bit of it. It's not fair to you that you are bottling these things inside and I probably need to hear them anyways so we really do need to do that. Please call me sometime heather.

* a few more of the text sequences that you all may get a kick out of-
Leo: Well thanks for cheating in me iv ben fighting in court
Me: Your Welcome

Me: u never tried 2 contact me in the past 2 weeks you would push me into sex and you started to treat me like a fuck buddy instead of a girlfriend
Leo: Ur kiding? U told me u had no minutes
(he never said anything about any other ways that he treated me, he only refuted the not calling part the entire time. talk about an SOB.)


Teddy Bears said...

I think that you had every right to do that too him. Especially after the way he treated you. I still think that he's an asshole. You shouldn't feel guilty about anything. Just remember you have one life to live so live it to your fullest! :) ~hearts~ me

Heather said...

What is wrong with you?!? That is insane! And Fiona's wrong, you did not have every right to do that, no matter what. GRRR!! I've already told you everything so... guess I love you anyway.

Anime said...

actually..I agree with what you did to him..he did deserve it... as for the whole "I see why some women go lesbian, cause guys can give you a migrane and a half" women aren't that much different you know..they can be even more of a pain because they are usually alot more picking about their surroundings...

wubba said...

1. Cheating is wrong, no matter how you look at it.
2. Rape is wrong, even if you only call it "kinda rape." That's what the law calls DATE RAPE.
3. Leo is definitely a scum bag who needs to be IN JAIL.
4. You need to look harder at who you are becoming and decide if this is really what you want to become.
5. I think you and I need to have a chat when you come home for Christmas!!!
6. Remember that I care about you!