Well, my tooth doesnt hurt anymore....

I got my tooth fixed last Tuesday. Well, by fixed I mean that I had a root canal done on it. So theres a huge gaping hole in my tooth, but there is a temporary cap over it. Luckily it doesn't hurt... now. When it came to getting the root canal done however, well, thats another story. Come to find out I have a higher tolerance for nova cane then the normal person. Cause he injected it into my gums twice, and still the effects wore off within twenty minutes. So he started to drill, and my god did that hurt. then, because he realized i was in agony, he injected the nova cane directly into my tooth. then he started to drill without giving it a few minutes to kick in. So he had to inject more in because after a few more seconds of pain i was in agony again. the mans lucky I have a higher tolerance for pain since the accident or I might have killed him or fainted from it. But thankfully It was done and now I can eat without any pain.It is however still broken so this Tuesday I'm gonna get it capped so that it looks like I never got into an accident. Which is true for the most part because My face doesn't look like its going to be scarred at all, and neither are my elbows or knees. The only place I should have any scars are gonna be on my hands. Which I'm perfectly fine with since I am still alive and there could be a lot worse wrong with me.
Now I wasn't originally gonna add this into my post today, but I met another guy yesterday. well, actually we met about three days after the accident. His name is Leo. Leo Ozzo. He's Columbian, and came over with his family when he was nine. He speaks fluent Spanish still, and is more than fluent in English. And I really like him. He's different from the last guys. In fact I cant type any more rite now because i have to get around for our date tonight. Hopefully we are gonna walk to the bar, FUUL, but I have to call and see if they are gonna have live music playing tonight. If not then we are probably going to take a walk to the waterside. They have these wonderful swinging benches there that are nice to sit on and talk. So I have to dress warm either way cause FUUL is an hours walk away, and the lake will be cold and a little windy. So I gotta go. Love yall.


Anime said...

..have fun with the date..hahaha you suffered through novacane...just me again...I hate school...Business math is BORING!!! that's where I am now...