Yeah, Andrew was able to get here on Saturday morning. So yes, I feel a lot better. I did ever since he got here. I swear I love that boy. But yeah, The weekend has been pretty great so far. Andrew, Ray, and I went to atomic bowling and had a lot of fun. Boy do I have stories from that night! Like for one is just the walk there. It's past the wal-mart, and I'm telling you, we took all the shortcuts through all the snow and it was freezing. I almost had hypothermia again, I swear it. Or at least it felt like it. But I don't know, I'm not in much of a typing mood rite now. I just need something to actually do and this seemed like it. You see, yesterday was a lot of walking and exercise and fun, and then today it's just been me and Andrew. Now, though we have had a lot of fun together, we haven't really done much. You see, we are both rather poor. So we ended up walking to wal-mart and getting the ingredients for pizza. This meant actual movement and exercise, which I am very glad for. I love relaxing o a movie, but I also love actually going someplace and doing things with him that way. That and exercise relaxes me afterward, it just makes me feel better. But ya know,

It's been a very good weekend for me, and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Also, since I havent posted any pictures lately, heres a random photo of me wearing Andrews shoes, since he stole mine to wear to his woodsman's practice. FYI, we wear the same size shoes, mens 11. Sad i know but we also wear the same shirt size. I will talk to all if you later. Love you all and see you soon!!!
Nice kicks XD
And whoa...I just saw me on your blog roll :)) Thanks :))
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