
Ok. So my last post sounded a bit...we'll say depressing. yeah lets go with that. But yeah, things are a lot better. Life is doing better and so are me and Andrew. We talked a bit a few days ago and all is well. And we both realized that we should probably try to communicate things a bit more clearly to each other. Cause both of us love to talk, but we both seem to have a problem with discussing feelings for some reason. I blame my being to much like a guy. But whatever. We are working on it. Oh and I'm not gonna be totally bored this weekend cause Andrew is staying the weekend at my place. I talked him into it because #1 he's quitting his job at Vanity Fair to start work in two weeks at the Chef's Outlet #2 He's probably not gonna go in this weekend cause he is quitting and if he doesn't have to go to work he's not gonna #3 When he decides he's not gonna go he's gonna regret not staying cause he's gonna miss me to much and #4 because there is atomic bowling this Saturday. And he loves bowling. The thing about Atomic bowling is that it is free to us at the college on the specified night, and it's unlimited games from like 10:00 at night to about 3:00 am. And when two games for two people costs twentyone bucks, a free night of bowling is amazing. Especially if your poor. But that should be changing for Andrew soon because the job at Chefs Outlet is $0.75 more an hour then he had before. And thought thats not much more, it's enough to make a difference. So we may get to go out and do a bit more in these days to come. Oh and I'm dropping my biological psycology coarse. I'm struggling so much that it's not even funny. But thankfully they have some minimester coarses and so I signed up today for an interpersonal communication coarse. If I didn't drop that class, then my GPA would go down so much that it's not even funny. So yeah, I was willing to add it, even though this means that I've got a late night class on Monday through Thursday. But hey, still no classes on Friday, so I still get three day weekends. Woohoo to that at least. I don't have any new pictures to add to this post again. thats my bad cause I keep forgetting my camera these days. But I'm gonna start carrying it around again. And tonight I'm gonna play DDR with Tiffy and Ray, so I've got somethin to do after my art class is done. And there's not much else to tell, so I'll talk to you all later. Have fun and live life to the fullest.