This little fuzzy one is my hamster. The picture is a bit fuzzy but I think she's cute in it all the same. Everyone I know has there own name for the little bugger, and I have a list on the right of some of the names already given to her. You may be wondering why some of the names are boys names if the hamster is a girl. Well the answer to that is that she is a dike. You see, she has this thing where she will climb on to the bars and spin herself around using only her arms. And I'm telling you, she has very good upper bottom strength. Then, while Andrew and I were first watching this spectacle, he turns to me and says, "Out of curiosity, was she the hamster sitting in the corner of the cage alone that no one played with and seemed to be alone?" "um", I replied, "How did you know?". His reply, "Yeah she's a dike. Boy do you know how to pick 'em." So yeah, out of all the hamsters at the store, I picked the only dike one. But I love her all the same. She is a wonderful hamster, who loves to be picked up and never bites, and eats cheerios so that it looks like she's eating a little donut. I have to go though. It was a long night and I have many obligations to fulfill by morning. Have a wonderful night all.
hey! I'm working at Tim Hortons. LOL! It's a lot of work but I'm doing good. I'm not working with anyone that we went to high school with. I'm working with people from my childhood. Like seriously. They have all been really nice to me so far but I have a feeling that it will change as I get farther into work. I haven't thought of a name for your hamster yet but as soon as I think of one I will let you know. I have elceted to name my puppy Monica. I will post a picture of her as soon as I can get a really good shot of her. Can't wait to see you.
I like your dike hamster, I'd name it Fuzzy Wuzzy
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